Saturday, October 2, 2010


This Statue of Shiva is Approximately 65 feet ...
Yoga is a Sanskrit word. It has many meanings. It is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning 'unite'. Union of Jivatma (Individual soul) with paramatma (Universal soul or God) is called Yoga. Meaning of Yoga is very vast.
Yoga is associated with all the religions of India. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism have adopted meditation practices of Yoga. Yoga is also one of the six Astika (orthodox) schools of Hindu philosophy. Texts on Vedas, Upanishads, Hindu Tantras and Buddhist Tantras have all extensively use the Yogic practices.
Major branches of Yoga are Jnanayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Karmayoga and Rajayoga. Veda and Upanishads are the source of Jnanayoga, Narada Bhaktisutra is a text on Bhaktiyoga, Bhagavadgita is an authoritative text on Karmayoga and Patanjala Yoga sutras on Rajayoga. Bhagavadgita covers all the major Yogas. Hathayoga is a major branch of Rajayoga. Hathayoga Pradipike, Shiva Samhita and Gheranda Samhita are the major texts on Hathayoga.
Types Of yoga
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Yoga postures Ado-muka-shvanasana

                      The technique of Adho Mukha Svanasana is relatively simple. First you sit on the floor and slowly shift to your hands and knees. Then you set your knees directly below your abdomen and align them with your hips. Your hands should be set slightly forward of the shoulders. When you get in this position you should curl your toes under and spread your fingers wide out on the ground. This will help you become more stable and grounded through your arms. When you become stable you should take a deep breath. As you exhale, raise your hips towards the sky and push the floor with your hands. Be sure to keep pressing your heels down toward the floor while you keep your knees slightly bent. It is crucial that the weight of your body should be evenly distributed between your hands and feet. You can either hold this position or you can move on to straighten your legs. As you do so, make sure that your heels continue to push against the floor so that they become just as stable and grounded as your hands. All the force that you apply with your heels should be channeled throughout the legs and feet. You should hold this position for four to twelve long exhalations. When finishing up with this position you should reverse the steps taken to get into the Adho Mukha Svanasana. Once you become more intermediate, you will be able to go into the Adho Mukha Svanasana directly from a cat stretch. The Adho Mukha Svanasana helps you feel the hips initiating the movement and also reinforces your hollow spine.    

Anulom Viloma

Anuloma viloma is one of the most used yoga technique. This technique is basically related to physical health. Anuloma viloma word is being derived from Sanskrit. Anuloma means natural order while viloma means going against .in this technique nostrils are being used. From one nostril either left or right one inhales and than it exhales from the other nostril. During this exercise when one nostril is inhaling than the other nostril in to be closed with a thumb or finger and when exhaling than the other nostril is to be closed with the other thumb or finger. This exercise is also called as the alternate breathing technique. This exercise basically controls the breathing rthyme of the body and thus providing a better oxygen passage to the body.

  Before starting this technique the proper was is to sit down on the floor with the conventional yoga style. There are steps of this exercise before the first step raise your right hand and curl your fingers so that only the thumb, fourth finger and the small finger remains extended while the other fingers are curled into your palm.
   The steps are as following
  1. Initially put your thumb on the right nostril and apply a gentle pressure when the flesh states. Than as the right nostril is closed so inhale from the left nostril and count to four.
  2. Now close both the nostrils and hold your breathe and than count to sixteen.
  3. Now in the third step close the left nostril with the small finger .than exhale the air from your right nostril and count to eight.

Yoga Clothing

Like all other activities, Yoga also needs to be practiced in clothes which are specifically deigned for the physical demands of Yoga. Wearing right apparel is very important in yoga, as practice entails performing different types of body postures, ranging from the very simple to slightly complex. So, Yoga clothes should be comfortable enough to allow free movement of various body parts in all poses or positions.

Types of Yoga Clothing
Yoga pants, Capri, pajamas, t-shirts, shorts, unitard, etc, are advisable clothing for practicing Yoga. The fabric of clothes should be light-weight and sweat absorbent. Loose pants, Capri, shorts and pajamas are really comfortable. Another thing to look for in clothing is stretchability. Since different Yoga poses require different body movements, it is recommended to wear stretchable clothes which allow free movement of body parts. Ladies are advised to wear sports bra. Yoga clothing is available in all sizes and colors in the markets.

Unitard is another type of clothing which requires special mention. It's tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs. It has long sleeves & legs reaching down to the ankles which provide coverage, support and comfort while performing Yoga. It is usually made of durable, lightweight organic cotton/spandex with double-layered front and back panels and single-layer arms and legs. Available in different colors and sizes, Unitard is very comfortable and facilitates better movement of body.

Yoga Clothes Buying Tips
There are some points which should be considered while buying clothes for practicing Yoga.
  • The clothes you choose should be absolutely comfortable and they should facilitate free movement of body parts.
  • Prefer buying stretchable clothes made from light cotton material as they will help the free body movement.
  • You can opt for shorts as it allows free movement of knees, ankles and feet.
  • Ladies are recommended to wear sport bras, to avoid unnecessary strain on the breasts.
  • Look for sweat-absorbent fabric, as it will absorb perspiration easily and also facilitate breathing space.
  • Though Yoga is conventionally performed barefoot, you can use breathable socks or gloves to avert germs.
Tips To Remember
  • Before leaving for your yoga class, make sure to wear your yoga clothes and try out few poses wearing them. If there are some alterations or modifications required, made them before leaving, so that you feel comfortable in the class later.
  • It is also important to look good in class as it will make you feel more positive which will help in giving you more energy & confidence.
  • Avoid wearing ornaments to Yoga class as they might cause hurdle in performing different Yoga postures.
These are few tips which will help you to pick the right clothing for Yoga. But along with these tips, make sure that you do regular practice of Yoga, as only that will give you a healthier and better life.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

 Cure Without Medicine

Anyway, other religions like Buddhism and Jainism, too, absorbed the techniques of yoga. Today millions are turning to this age-old system because of its therapeutic goodness. If you have a little patience, you can cure yourself of most ills without pills. and with time, such bodily discipline also influences consciousness and concentration, silencing the wandering Cain in your mind forever.

Medical research has endorsed the benefits of yoga postures on the body. Yoga is just the remedy for ailments like a poor spine and painful joints. The stretching and compressing during these asanas, and the alteration of the body’s orientation and centre of gravity generate ‘piezoelectricity’ (electricity caused by pressure) in the body tissues.

A regular practice of yoga exercises regulates the growth, maintenance and strengthening of body tissues. In fact, the whole body metabolism is stimulated and the body’s healing powers improved.

Indian Tantra

In response to the fierce asceticism that was the social norm for this yogic style of practice, other esoteric branches developed which looked to incorporate spirituality more into daily life. Notably, tantric principles were first developed and refined during this period of social recoil. They generally began to catch on during the early and middle part of the first millennium and, as with fashions, have waxed and waned in popularity ever since.
Indian tantric systems utilise the forces of nature--especially desire--in a way that accepts, redirects, and refines them. This is in contradistinction to most ascetic methods which apply denial as their chief lever for working with negative emotions such as lust, greed, and hatred. By appropriately channelling the raw power of, for instance, sexual desire, a spiritual practitioner can not only learn to manage troublesome mind-states, but also get a boost of confidence and energy as well.
And, as you might imagine, the misuse of such deep-seated human forces can lead to much havoc as well. Thus, Tantra has mostly lead a dual social life--being popularly accepted by the masses as a more palpable way to digest necessary spiritual disciplines, and also being cautiously respected and approached by more ardent and serious practitioners. With proper support, however, these principles can be tremendously helpful.

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