Yoga gives your skin a healthy glow by balancing your hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your skin. This keeps your skin resilient and prevents dryness and excessive sagging. Yoga also tones the muscles of your face and neck. These poses target your facial skin. Medically Poor diet and poor stimulation of the circulatory and excretory systems and subsequent build up of toxins are the root cause of skin eruptions and through yogic way of living you can easily overcome these problems.
Yoga paranayama especially Shitli Kumbhak has the potential to reduce facial wrinkles; it also improves blood circulation and purify the blood, reduces toxins and acidity and prevent skin infections.
For this paranayama fold the tongue and protrudes a little from the mouth. Slowly inhale through the mouth. While inhaling one should feel coolness inside the neck. Then swallow the breath and hold inside your stomach. After holding the breath for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through the nose.
Yoga body cleaning processes known as Shatkarmas are extremely powerful in that they work on specific areas of the body that have the maximum impact upon our health. These detoxification yog techniques are a sort of cleansing that helps the body rid itself of toxins. When the different systems of the body have been purified, the overall result is that energy can flow through the body freely. One's capacity to work, think, digest, taste, feel, experience, etc., increases and greater awareness develops.
Yog Massage with different kind of oils is the best for the skin. These massages also increase the circulation to the face and skin that will bring much-needed nutrients and oxygen to rejuvenate and remove toxin-causing matter.
Practice of Varun Mudra will enhance the physical beauty and decrease the dryness of the body and glow the skin. For Varun Mudra join the fore part of little finger with the fore part of the thumb.
In addition, to these some Ayurvedic beauty tips.
- Mix a half teaspoon of turmeric with almond oil, apply to the skin with a facial sponge, and rinse off.
- Some herbs like Neem, Tulsi and sandalwood have been extremely effective in curing acne, eczema treatment, eczema cure and other diseases of the skin. Especially the face pack of Sandal wood.
- Mud packs are best for skin, as they give the best cooling effect to the skin.
Mudra for the Controlling Herpes
As shown in figure this mudra is formed by crossing the hands in a way so that both the fore fingers of the hands are locked and cross the thumbs of both hand in such a way that the tips of both are joined.
Practice of this yog mudra is very helpful in controlling the Herpes. As per the Indian medical science imbalance of Vat and Pitta dosh is the main cause of this problem. Through the practice of this yog mudra this problem can be controlled.
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