Many choose waxing sugaring solutions to get rid of unwanted body hair as they are easy to buy, inexpensive, and convenient to use in your own home.
In view of the differences with each person when it comes to skin sensitivity, rate of hair growth, and the texture of the hair,. a choice has to be made between waxing and sugaring. As there are main differences it is good to become aware of the pros and cons so you can decide which will be your preferred hair removal method.
Here are 4 main differences between waxing and sugaring:
1. What Sticks
Body wax sticks to the hair and the skin. So when the wax or wax strip is pulled off it takes a layer of skin with it including dead skin cells. This explains why the skin often feels silky smooth after a waxing session.
The downside is the skin can be sensitive and react. An ice cube can be effective afterwards in calming distressed skin or a specially purchased soothing cream can do the same. For many though, the redness and any bumps that appear will go within a short time.
By contrast, sugaring sticks mainly to the hair and while it can still sting it tends to be less painful than waxing. The skin also may still be sensitive and red afterwards but the effects are generally less severe than with waxing.
2. The Temperature
Body waxing can come in hot or cold versions. Hot waxes are heated just above a person's body temperature so they trap the hairs when they cool into a stiffer mixture. One precaution you need to be aware of is to test a very small part of the skin first to make sure the temperature is not too hot if the wax is overheated.
Strips coated with cold wax are also available so these are simply pressed onto the skin firmly and pulled back sharply removing the hair.
Sugaring on the other hand involves a sugar paste either slightly warmed or used at room temperature, although many prefer to warm the paste. It is spread over the skin thinly in the direction the hair is growing and then ripped off quickly to remove the hair by the root.
As hot sugar can burn, if the sugaring paste is warmed slightly, care must be taken to make sure it doesn't become hot and cause skin damage.
3. The Composition
Waxing compositions contain a variety of chemicals, some of which can be a little harsh on the skin if used regularly. Many waxing products nowadays however, also contain natural ingredients which soothe and help heal the skin.
Sugaring pastes are completely natural and more gentle on the skin. Some commercial products contain gum Arabic and citric acid to make the process of pulling hair out by the root easier.
4. The Clean Up
As waxing products are generally petroleum based, they can be a little messy to clean up. You can get after waxing solutions which are effective in removing the wax residue from the skin.
Sugar paste is easily cleaned off with water, although many follow up with another solution such as tea tree oil which acts as an antibacterial agent.
Waxing sugaring products command a huge market. You will notice a large variety from your local pharmacy or supermarket. It is wise to read over the instructions, examine the list of ingredients, and experiment. Waxing or Sugaring? Decide which method suits you best after trying them both for a while?
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