Saturday, June 25, 2011

3 Natural Home Remedies To Manage Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation in a young child as seen on X-ray

Pregnant women go through many changes in their bodies. Aside from the growing fetus, they can also experience swelling, morning sickness, restlessness, depression, food cravings, hemorrhoids and even constipation.

It is customary for expecting women to experience constipation. Although, it is not lethal, it can be very distressing and exasperating. It can bring pain to expecting women. However, this condition is normal and there are ways to soothe its stressful symptoms.

Why Pregnant Women Constipate?

There are a couple of reasons why expecting women suffer from constipation. A pregnant woman produces more progesterone, a female body hormone that maintains the function of the placenta. This female hormone also makes the intestinal muscles to relax. It slows down the process of elimination.

Also, supplements prescribed to expecting women to boost the immune system can affect elimination. Prescribed vitamins like iron and calcium can cause constipation.

Also, as the fetus grows, pressure is exerted on the lower abdomen causing moms-to-be to experience constipation. This pressure is blocking feces resulting to constipation. Also, as the expectant mother increases in body weight they have a propensity to do less physical activities which can add up to this condition.

What They Can Do About It?

Sadly, constipation can last the entire pregnancy. To avoid birth defects, expecting women should not take any medications without consulting their respective doctors. The best thing to do is to go for natural home remedies to help alleviate constipation.

Take Lots Of Water, Vegetables And Fruits

Water, vegetables and fruits can help cutback the discomfort caused by constipation. Vegetables are high in fiber. Fibers can help cleanse the colon.

To ensure proper elimination of waste, expecting women should increase their water intake. Water is absorbed by the colon to avoid feces from drying out. Proper hydration is important to avoid passing hard formed stool. In addition water helps the body to flush out feces in the intestine. Aside from increasing water consumption, it is recommended to eat many fruits such as water melon, papaya, pears and other fruits that contain lot of liquid because they contain fibers and water.

Add Yogurt In The Diet

Yogurt has high concentration of protein. Also, it is a good source of fiber and calcium. Yogurt also contains lacto-bacteria that help in digesting food in the body system preventing constipation. Expectant women can also take foods that have probiotics such as mi-so soups and pickles.

Regular Exercise

Simple exercises such as walking and climbing stairs stimulates the work of the body’s intestine to move the feces out of the system.

Some may say that it is all right for a pregnant to take over-the-counter laxatives for they are harmless. But taking this type of medicine must be avoided and should be consulted first to their respective doctors to check that the drugs will do more good than harm. Instead of taking laxatives, it is better to take colon cleanser with natural ingredients to remove feces found inside the gastrointestinal track. This is safer and proven to have little or no side effects.

Truly, constipation is very common to all most especially to expecting women. It is often not lethal. However, it gives discomfort and annoyance adding to the emotional and physical hardship that expecting women are going through. To help alleviate the discomforts home remedies are the best options. They are effective and most of all safe. Just a safety reminder, always consult doctors or OB specialist if unsure of any medications or home remedies.

Looking for safe constipation remedies? Visit and discover immediate constipation relief, treatments and household cures. Go to the links today.

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