Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Different Methods Of Acne Treatment

Rotating image of Optical Coherence Tomography...

Luckily, as acne is a skin condition, it's quite treatable. There are though, so many different remedies available that it can get confusing when choosing a treatment to get rid of your zits. No matter which you decide to use, there are always a few general procedures you should follow, one of them being skin care. Probably the best thing you can do is to thoroughly cleanse your skin daily.

Almost everyone is effected in some way or another with the problem of pimples. Even if it's only just an occasional pimple. Problems with hormones are also a related acne cause. This mostly happens during the time of puberty. Adults can still get acne and it is common for women who are pregnant to get regular outbreaks. No matter what your age, race or gender, acne treatments usually remain the same.

Acne start to form when particles of dirt become trapped with bacteria within the pores of the skin. The dirt and bacteria create friction inside the pores which creates infections and irritation. Your body will then try to repair the damage and infection. A scab will start to form and create the red lump under your skin. Pus begins to form then inside the lump and the healing process will begin. This is what makes the spots on your body look red and large.
List of images in Gray's Anatomy: X. The Organ...

As bacteria, germs and dirt are the problem with acne, keeping your skin clean at all times is a must. Your body is actually the largest organ of the body? It can help protect the body from infections that are internal. Starting a thorough regime of skin cleansing is the best thing you can do right now to treat your acne. The skin can actually be the most sensitive part of the body for some people. If you cleanse your skin, it will help to remove the daily buildup of bacteria and dirt.

Keeping your skin clean with most over the counter products may cause you more irritation than using a simple, mild soap. This comes about from the additives or chemicals that are added to the products and are can be very harsh to some skin types. You should choose a product that contains no fragrances and is hypoallergenic. There are a couple of well known products that are great to mildly cleanse skin effected with acne and they are Cetaphil and Aquaphor.
schematic of human skin

If you don't seem to get much or any relief at all with just simple cleansing, you can visit a doctor and he can prescribe you one of many medications. This depends entirely on how severe your acne is or you can opt for weaker treatments that you can get directly from your local supermarket or chemist. You should remember to check all labels if you are someone who has sensitive skin. This is because over the counter types of products generally contain alcohol and it causes irritation. If you notice that you get bad reactions from a treatment, immediatly cease using it and find a milder product.

Another of your options is to go visit a dermatologist who are skin specialists. They commonly prescrible people with acne medications that come in oral form. These will be given to you only if your acne is severe. As with most medications available, you might have to accept that there will be side-effects. You should talk to the dermatologist and ask them what you should expect from certain treatments so that you can make the best decision. Medications are able to stop the severe kinds of acne that leave behind ugly scarring.

If scars get left behind after your acne finally disappears, there are many great options now that will help to heal your damaged skin and return it to your normal skin color. One of the popular treatments for scars is dermabrasion. This helps with the process of the creation of brand new skin by softly rubbing away the top most layers of the skin. Dermabrasion gently removes the top layer of skin, revealing healthy new skin. These treatments require some patients as many scars are very deep and require time to heal and repair.

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