Sunday, August 7, 2011

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids

Diagram illustrating benign neoplasms, namely ...

Fibroid tumors are the most common type of tumors that can be found on the uterus. They are generally benign i.e. these tumors do not contain any cancerous properties. While some women may not display any symptoms at all relating to these growths, many other develop various symptoms of uterine fibroids and the treatment of uterine fibroids is very diverse. Increasingly more women are turning to natural treatment methods which are less inexpensive and which do not cause women to experience any side effects from the treatment.

 Fibroid tumors usually develop on the smooth muscle that is found in the uterine wall. They may on occasion spread outside the uterus. They can also grow to any size and can comprise a single tumor or a cluster of tumors. Although most women suffer from benign fibroid tumors, these tumors can still cause many health problems for the women who suffer from persistent fibroid growths.


 Although research has still not identified the main cause of fibroids, there are some risk factors that have been identified as being able to increase a woman's susceptibility to the development of fibroids.

 1. Family history - when there is a history of fibroids in a family, the risk of developing uterine fibroids is increased.
large subserosal leimyoma of the uterus

 2. Fibroid Tumors and African American women - Although women of all races are affected by fibroids, it has been discovered that African American women develop fibroids in greater numbers than women of other racial backgrounds. Black women also develop larger tumors in addition to developing fibroids at a younger age than women of other races.

 3. Women over the age of 35 develop fibroids in about one third of the total fibroid cases reported each year.

 4. Being overweight or obese has been found to increase the risk of developing these tumors.

 5. Another identified risk factor relates to never having birthed a child which also increases the risk of developing fibroids.

 6. If the menstrual cycle start before 10 years of age.

 Uterine Fibroid Symptoms

 While some fibroids may not produce any symptoms, the following are some of the common symptoms of uterine fibroids;

 a. When you have the tumors, one of the symptoms of fibroid tumors that you may experience may be heavy menstrual cycles that are significantly different than your normal blood flow. This heavy menstrual cycle may lead to your debilitation as well as to the development of anemia with this heavy loss of blood. The menstrual cycle many be so excessive that it may soak up more than three tampons or pads each hour that you are on your cycle.

 b. Irregular menstrual cycles or spotting between menstrual cycles has been identified.

 c. Pelvic pain or discomfort for prolonged periods.

 d. The fibroids may press against nerves which may lead to the development of headaches.

Menstrual cycle

 e. You may experience fertility issues and have trouble falling pregnant.

 f. Frequent urination due to pressure by the fibroids on the bladder.

 g. If you have asked yourself "can fibroids cause abdominal swelling?" the answer is yes. Large fibroid tumors can increase the abdominal girth.

 h. Experiencing night sweats or being feverish.

 i. Some fibroid tumors can cause backache.

 j. Pressure on the rectum by the fibroids leading to the development of constipation.

 k. In rare cases, feeling dizzy or experiencing shortness of breath

 Despite the above mentioned symptoms of uterine fibroids most fibroids do not require treatment especially if they are small and if do not produce any fibroid symptoms.
laparoscopical myomectomy

 Uterine Fibroid Treatments

 Traditional medicine first adopts an approach that simply monitors the fibroids periodically with the help of an ultrasound to see whether there are any changes in the properties of the tumors and the size of the tumors. The next step is to prescribe various medications such as birth control pills to control the blood flow if you suffer from heavy cycles related to the fibroid tumors.

 There are also various surgeries that may be recommended by doctors for more tumors that are severe and the most common one being the recommendation of a hysterectomy for fibroids. A hysterectomy involves the removal of a sufferer's uterus in its entirety which stops the development of these tumors for good. Without a uterus, no tumors can develop. Without a uterus, your cannot get pregnant ever again either.

 Various other surgeries may be recommended for fibroids that are less severe e.g a myomectomy or a surgical procedure that clots the blood flow to the tumors which can shrink the fibroids.

 All these recommended surgical procedures and various medications are not only very expensive for most people but can produce various side effects.

 Because of the relative unhappiness with traditional treatment methods for various ailments including fibroids, many women are turning to holistic and natural methods that they hope will not only treat fibroid tumors and the various symptoms of fibroid tumors, but many women are also using these natural methods to get rid of fibroid tumors for good!

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Finally am free from FIBROID,I normally feel Pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding and I also find it difficult to get pregnant. I went to hospital for treatment and I was diagnosed for fibroid, the doctor advised me to remove it through surgery which I did and it resurfaced after some time with the pain, I went back to the hospital and the same method was suggested but I refused because I was scared. I told a friend about it and she gave me Uduehi’s contact which she saw online, I reach out to him and he administer his medication on me without surgery. The fibroid shrink totally and its been a year plus since I got free no sign of fibroid and am 8 months pregnant for the first time since the fibroid shrank down. Doctor’s contact: +234-708-487-8384

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